Thursday, August 24, 2017

Poverty and shame will come to him who disdains correction, But he who regards a rebuke will be honored. Proverbs 13:18

It's payback time for my sister. So I recall back when we were in high school, my sis had a lead foot...and still does to this day. There was a period of time when she met law enforcement officers along the highway. As they met, red lights went a flashing and sis received another bill from the state of Illinois...a hefty speeding ticket. After 3 and you get notified that your license is suspended. Well...after her third ticket and while waiting for that dreaded letter in the mail suspending her license...she got another ticket. Let's say things were a little warm in our house that day! What did this cost? Cost my parents to loose insurance and have to find more at a higher rate and cost to pay all of those tickets. Moral of the story, obey the speed limit. 

God provides us a perfect guide to live by each day, His Holy word, the bible. It's full of life saving direction for guidance on stormy days, curvy pathways and provides wisdom when facing a fork in the road. But it only helps if you read it and heed it's instructions. I'll be the first to admit, I have sometimes done just the opposite of its truth and paid dearly for my stubborness. Heartache, financial troubles and tainted reputation are just a few of the results of my negligence in following God's perfect instruction book. 

How's your driving record? Found some correction along the way? Some correction is good, but repeated mistakes is on you, and they are costly. Heed God's word and you'll find your travels less interrupted by the King of lifeway patrol! Obey and travel safely friend.  

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