Wednesday, August 23, 2017

 "If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?"
John 3:12

You ever sit and wonder how this world was made, how a beautiful flower can come from a small seed, where does all this water come from that fills the rivers across America? There are many things in life that can't be explained. As much as we try to figure it out, we never really come to an understanding. What if I simply told you God spoke everything into existence? Would you believe me? 

Many times in life things will happen and we can't explain it. Faith and trust in God is the only thing you can believe and understand. Human logic won't explain Godly wisdom. His ways are not your ways. He has a plan and purpose for everyone. What happens in life doesn't need to be figured out, but putting your trust in Him is all that matters. 

Maybe God is creating something new in your life...a new relationship, a new job, maybe a new life. Things are happening and you don't understand their purpose or logic. Trust in God that He is doing something great and using whatever circumstances you are going through. He oftentimes uses the painful things to carve out a new don't discredit the painful process you might be going through in life. He has a plan and purpose for everything, trust and believe in Him, and walk with confidence knowing God has a better plan. 
Keep moving and trusting...God bless!

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