Thursday, August 3, 2017

We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. 1 John 4:6

 It seems wherever you go these days you'll find someone who doesn't speak the English language. You overhear them talking in their native language and you wonder what they are saying. Unfamilar to you,  you move on and don't waste your time trying to understand. It can be frustrating for both if the two languages try to communicate with one another. 

How true it is for those who have never accepted Christ. As they encounter a Christian, they get frustrated because they don't understand their reasoning, how they act and talk. It's foreign to them.
2 Corinthians 4:4 states that the "god" (Satan) of this age has blinded those who do not believe. So, as Christians, God expects us to reach out to the lost, how can we communicate with them if they don't understand the words of God? Prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Let me say this, it's NOT YOU who saves someone, it's God. His Holy Spirit comes upon those unbelievers who begin to see the light of Christ. I have never seen an unbeliever accept Christ without His Spirit working in advance of hearing the word. God longs for everyone to come know Him and He works in the lives of everyone to bring about awareness and the realization that they need a Savior.  Some begin to accept this fact and their hearts condition themselves to hear and respond to God's calling. Others, their hearts are like concrete and they refuse to acknowledge the truth. Pray especially for those lost souls. 

Be the example God wants you to be as His representative in this lost and dying world. Pray for those you know who are outside the faith. Through the Lord's work in your life, your conversations with others and your commitment to God using you, those deaf in the Spirit will be able to hear the truth and accept Christ. Keep praying for the lost. 
God bless.

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