Wednesday, August 2, 2017

For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted. Hebrews 2:18

The old saying...."no sense in reinventing the wheel" is very sound. If tasked with a certain assignment, it's always a good idea to see if someone else has worked through it and can provide guidance to get-r-done!

For me, I know the God blesses obedience and it's my goal every day to avoid temptation so I won't sin. Well, that sounds like a great idea, but each day I wake up with good intentions, the devil also has plans to ruin my day. He throws temptations my way every day, all throughout the day, making it a challenge to stay focused. Can you relate? 

So how can we go through each day, trying to live the obedient life God calls us to live? By staying in constant communication with God through the Holy Spirit He gives us. Jesus Christ faced temptation all through His life. He drew upon the power of God to sustain Him and keep His life free from sin. This same God, same power, same victory over sin is available to all of us...if we simply remember to draw upon His power. When we do it with our own strength, we reinvent the wheel of righteous living....and most times we fail when we go at it alone. 

Draw upon the Lord's strength and power to turn from temptation and find blessings rain down on you for your faithful obedience and trust in Him! Have a blessed day.

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