Thursday, August 17, 2017

Let the lowly brother glory in his exaltation, James 1:9

Ever feel like the quality of your life is well below that of  others? Looking around in comparison, you realize you aren't as successful as others, your still on the lower rung of your career ladder, your neighbors just bought a new car while you are driving a 10 year old vehicle....the list is endless. Experiencing this lowliness can leave one depressed and asking why God hasn't blessed you with a better life. 

Friend, glory in your low position. Gravity, it not only what holds our feet to this planet, it brings people back to reality....all the success and big, expense things can and will fail and crumble. Those who are soaring high in worldly success, will eventually run out of air and succumb to the reality of life's gravitational pull. They have much further to fall, and it will be painful for them. You on the other hand are grounded in your faith and content in your circumstances. The distance between you and the ground is zero...your walking on a firm foundation. 

Put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ. He was homeless yet always had a place to rest, He was without food, but fed through the blessings of others and His life was full of praise and thankfulness. Consider yourself blessed, God is providing for you the essentials...your mansion awaits you in the next life...and it never fades and crumbles. Find joy in your status of life. Your riches and blessings are coming soon! God bless.

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