Monday, August 7, 2017

And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.". 
2 Corinthians 12:9

January 28, 1986 the space shuttle Challenger lifted off its launch pad, 73 seconds into its flight a rubber o-ring seal failed, hot gases caught fire, causing a fire and breakup of the shuttle, killing all 7 aboard. How could something so small, cause the destruction to a gigantic spaceship? A detailed investigation revealed NASA engineers had warned the launch team of the freezing temps and it's effect on the o-ring seals. Pressured to make the flight happen, they launched anyways only to find it a failure. As a result, NASA was grounded from flights for 3 years, so they could correct any wrongs.

I've found, in my life, when I fail God and sin, He is able to take those failures and help me correct the wrong so I can resume my spiritual flight. Some of the best mountain top experiences, in my journey with Christ, have launched from the darkest times in my life. His Holy Spirit is provided to help engineer my life so I fly safely....but when I don't listen to that engineer's warning....I crash and burn. 

If you want to have a successful flight with Christ, listen to the voice, His Spirit, He freely gives to every child of God. He sees problems ahead and can help you avoid catastrophy. Listen, act to make necessary changes so you can fly without problems to avoid a spiritual accident.
Have a blessed day.


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