Monday, August 14, 2017

After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet, and to wipe then with the towel which He girded. John 13:5
A thought occurred to me the other day when I read the story of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. Yes, this was another example of servanthood, which Jesus taught during His 33 years of life. But why display servanthood by washing feet?

I believe He washed their feet to prepare them to share the gospel. You see, the life of Jesus and written accounts of His life were in one small area of the world. No one would know about God's plan of Salvation without someone sharing the gospel. It was up to the disciples to spread the word to reach the lost. 

One of Jesus final instructions before He ascended into Heaven was to spread the gospel too all nations. Mark 16:15. 

Jesus command is the same for His children. Jesus has already washed your feet, and life with His blood. The story of Jesus is up to you to share with others. Spread the good news of Jesus and keep the message spreading into all corners of the world. God bless.

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