Thursday, July 20, 2017

Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. James 4:7

Have you ever had "words" with the devil? There are times in life when it seems all hell is breaking lose and the devil is heaving troubles and chaos all around you. He uses people and circumstances to torment you to the point where you just want to give up. In your anger you yell at him to leave you alone. Friend, you are speaking to the wrong person. 

I've found in life when the devil comes at me with everything he's got, turning to God is the only protection from this spiritual battle greater than me. The devil can't come close to God, but we can. His power reaches out beyond our capabilities to battle the enemy. When we completly submit ourselves to God and ask for His help, He provides just enough strength and protection to help us through the satanic attack. 

How do we submit? The most important thing is to walk in obedience. God blesses obedience and when we walk closely with Him every day, the devil can't touch us. Yes, he may put something across our path to make us stumble, but God will help us step safely over when we hold tightly to His hand. When life is good, we seem to let go of God's hand and run ahead of Him....leaving us vulnerable to satan's attack. 

Trust God, obey God and walk closely with Him every day and the devil doesn't stand a chance. Maybe you are feeling the whiles of Satan. Stop and pray for God's help, clean up your act and remove anything that resembles "darkness" from your life and watch as God power disolves the satanic attacks that have come against you. God is the Victor in life, only when we walk closely with Him will we see more victories and fewer defeats. Have a blessed day friend.

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