Saturday, July 8, 2017

For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face.... 1 Corinthians 13:12

Ever look into a mirror and see something you don't like? Maybe your having a bad hair day, a facial blemish stands out or you just look tired and worn out from the stresses of life. A mirror reflects back what we perceive is not good. But the truth be known, no one will probably notice those imperfections so don't let it discourage you from heading out the door to meet the world. 

As a child of God, we sometimes look over our fleshly imperfections and get so discouraged. Maybe it's a battle with a certain habit, wrong attitude or lack of trust in God. These imperfections can be amplified by Satan as he tries to discourage you and make you feel worthless in the eyes of Jesus. Friend, don't listen to the father of lies. As a child of God, He sees you as one of His own. He loves and desires to forgive you and bless you daily. His love and grace has a way of bringing joy and fulfillment in His children if we simply accept and trust Him to use us...even when we don't feel worthy of His calling. 

Don't look into your spiritual mirror, look into the eyes of Jesus Christ. When you do, you see a love so unexplainable....almost impossible for human understanding...yet it's full of grace and forgiveness. His hand reaches out to hold yours....grasp it every morning as you get out of bed and DONT let go all day! He's looking at you, are you looking at Him, face to face? 
Have a blessed day!

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