Sunday, July 30, 2017

   For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6

Today friend I ask for your prayers. My family has to make a decision about the best care for my sweet grandmother. A Godly woman who has always taken the time to share her faith and wisdom with me and others. Time has weathered her body and just a little of her mind. Even at 98 years of age, she spills wisdom from her mouth every now and then. Moments in time I will treasure forever. 

The main source for her wisdom comes from God. He provides sound wisdom for every day life. His ways are perfect and His wisdom is greater than anyone on earth. To embrace His wisdom you don't need to always understand it, but have faith in knowing it's right. Godly wisdom at times doesn't make sense, yet it's important to follow in obedience and trust in His promises to protect us and be with us always. Pride oftentimes is the barrier to receiving God's wisdom and putting it into practice. 

As we make decisions today, led by God's wisdom, may our hearts be willing to receive His guidance without question, worry and doubt. He knows best and He sees beyond this moment. As our family puts trust in His wisdom, I encourage you to trust Him daily and keep an open ear to His guiding hand. He loves you and has His best in mind for your life. Trust His wisdom today! 
God bless.

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