Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. 
Psalm 111:10

One year ago today I began this blog. Over the year, God has shown me much scripture, provided me wisdom and words to say and most of all taught me things I needed to grow in wisdom. Even times when I wasn't walking in His will, He provided the words through me to write and share His insights. I trust and pray these daily blogs have helped you in your spiritual journey. 

As today's scripture says, fear of the Lord brings wisdom. Not a frightening fear, but of respect for Him and trusting Him in every area of our life. As we yield more and more of our selfish ways to His, He opens our minds to increase wisdom and provide direction for our life. The end result, His plan is enacted through your life and blessings are yielded for your obedience. I can't think of a more wiser person than God, the creator of everything. 

Where are you in your level of spiritual wisdom? Does it seem to be lacking? Pray and ask God to show you His will for your life, yield up anything He shows you is out of bounds, read and study His word, then watch your life begin to reflect more of Him every day.  He blesses the obedient child of God. Pray, read, yield and walk ever so closely with Him and find wisdom grow daily. 
Have a blessed day friend.

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