Sunday, July 2, 2017

And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling aroma. Ephesians 5:2

Yesterday I talked about love and how it binds all the attributes of Christ so others can see Christ in us. Today's verse reinforces the action to "walk in love". When I read that passage, I think about Jesus walking from one city to the next. Everywhere He went, He addressed the crowds, healed the sick and pardoned the guilty. 

Are you walking like Christ? Reaching out to the needy, giving Godly advice to those hungry for His word and forgiving those who trespass against you? If not, you need to examine your relationship with your Savior. Jesus doesn't call for us to walk portions of the journey with Him. He requires your every step to be in line with His. Through prayer, daily bible reading and a willing spirit to surrender your ways for will have a stride similar to Christ. 

Be a sweet aroma to others as you go out each day into the world. They need a Savior and you can be the example of Christ's love to them. Walk in love and your stride will be right for the Lord. God bless.

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