Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.

Psalm 23:1


The Lord’s Prayer. For the child of God, its been repeated over and over again, but do we truly believe it? The first line of the prayer says it all for the Christian. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. A shepherd watches over his flock of sheep. He meets their every need and is willing to risk his life to protect the herd under his care. Nothing goes unnoticed by the shepherd. When he sees a sick lamb, he tends to its needs. Well fed, protected and nourished, the herd of sheep thrive.


God is our shepherd. He provides everything we need in this earthly life to thrive and be productive for Him. He sacrificed His only son, Jesus Christ, to pay for your and my sin debt, AND opened the gate of worship between us and God himself. Nothing stands in the way of our communion with Him. We have no further to look than within our heart, where the Holy Spirit resides. We carry around the Shepherd with us 24/7. He sees your every need and fulfills each one with his special blessings. No need goes unmet.


Do you have any unmet needs? If you believe you do, maybe you need to ask yourself if its God’s will. Our Shepherd supplies just what we need to thrive. Anything outside His will is not necessary….if it was, He would meet that specific need. Learn to live within the confines of His resources…HE has already promised to meet your needs. Trust Him and thank Him for His awesome blessings every day! He is already working on meeting your needs for tomorrow. God bless!

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