Wednesday, July 26, 2017

 Also God said to him (Jacob): "I am God Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall proceed from you and kings shall come from your body. Genesis 35:11

In today's passage we see God having a specific conversation with Jacob. In the proceeding verse, God changed his name from Jacob to Israel, thus the starting point of God's chosen nation. He instructed Jacob and his descendants to multiply. From that moment, til today, we see this lineage's growth as the nation of Israel stands strong today. 

What message does God have for you? He created you in His image and has a plan and purpose for your life. Although a nation might not come from your life, He still desires you take an active role in the growth of His family of believers. The ability to hear His voice is only achieved when you are willing to trust Him completly and block out anything that hinders that line of communication. People, things, circumstances...alll of these things, and our selfish pride, can be a hinderance to hearing and receiving His specific instructions. 

Is God speaking to you? Carve out time, through out the day, to meditate and pray to God. Sit quietly after a few moments of prayer in anticipation He will speak. I often hear His voice inside my heart after a time of prayer on my knees....surrendering everything to Him. God doesn't make room for himself in our life, He only occupies the space we provide. The more space He has in your life, the better you'll hear Him. What's He saying to you today? Find Him by making room for Him inside your heart. 
Have a blessed day.  

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