Sunday, July 23, 2017

Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2 Corinthians 3:17

Ah freedom! Freedom from restrictions and rules, freedom to do as one pleases. Freedom sounds amazing. If you live in the United States you have freedom to be you, unrestricted and in most cases without human  judgment. As I look around, I see these freedoms abused and just out right wrong when held to the morals and  standards this country was first founded.

Sadly, many people view the church and a relationship with God as restrictive and without much freedom to live the life they want. I can assure you friend, there is liberty in the Lord. When you accept Christ, you understand your weakness and vulnerability to sin. You realize that through Jesus Christ death on the cross and His pardon for your sin, you are no longer held in sin's captivity and eternal condemnation to Hell. Without Godly standards, you put yourself back in the chains of sin and darkness. Your life will become a chaotic mess if you want to partake in sinful pleasures of the world.  

Freedom from an eternity in Hell cost Jesus His life, 3 days later He rose from the dead, conquering death and the chains it binds an unbeliever.  Believe in Jesus Christ, accept His free gift of sin's pardon and walk in freedom knowing Heaven will be your home one day. Where there is the Spirit of the Lord, there is liberty.

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