Tuesday, July 4, 2017

  "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be freed indeed." John 8:36

Since the discovery of North America, thousands of "sons" have given their life to defend the freedoms we have in the United States of America. If you are a citizen of this country, you are blessed. Take a moment and remember those who have sacrificed their all so you can live freely. 

There is another freedom sought after;  sadly so many people are still bound in slavery to sin and have never experienced this freedom to live a full and enriching life here in the US and abroad. Jesus Christ represented mankind's sins on Calvary. He died so you and I can have true freedom, knowing that our eternal home will be in Heaven one day. But more than that, God provides His Holy Spirit to every believer, to sustain them through this earthly life. Hope for every tomorrow is only through acceptance of Jesus Christ. 

Have you found true freedom in Jesus Christ? If not, call on Him today. It's nothing you can do on your own. It's believing, accepting and turning from sin that sets you free indeed. Live life eternally free from the bondage of this sinful world and find true happiness and peace in the Lord. Happy Independence Day friends!

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