Monday, July 17, 2017

Do not stir up nor awaken love until it pleases. 
Song of Solomon 2:7b 

There is nothing I enjoy more than a delicious cake or bread. I've made both in my years of cooking and one thing I learned....dont leave out one single ingredient. If you miss a step in the cooking process, your baked treat will either be a flop or not taste as good as it should. Always take your time and follow the instructions closely. 

The same wisdom can be applied to relationships. From the beginning of time, God created man and woman to have a relationship with one another. He has a plan and purpose for every relationship that forms. During the process of two becoming connected, He slowly develops the relationship through conversations, experiences and often times stirs up the relationship ingredients to bring about consistency in the mix.

 One thing He needs from us is  NOT get in a hurry in the development of the relationship. If you hurry through the process, especially at the beginning, you might miss a special ingredient God is trying to place in your relationship to grow you or show you the way forward. As scripture says not stir up love til the proper time. 

Maybe you have just started a new relationship or in the process of getting to know someone. Put God at the center of your mixture and allow Him the opportunity to reveal truths about the other person and be open to His hand working through the mix. He knows what's best and His plan for your union might be temporary or long term. But without staying in step with Him, the outcome could be a flop. Remember, God has a plan and purpose for every aspect of your life, live by His timing and everything in life will be sweet. God bless.

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