Saturday, July 15, 2017

Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit. Psalm 51:12

One thing I enjoy is researching things on the Internet. Here lately I have developed a passion in historic churches. While surfing I click links that take me to the next page....sometimes the link is a dead or has useless information....thankfully the "back" button returns me to the home page.

God is like that "back" button. Sometimes we take our spiritual journey down dead end paths with little or no benefit. Sometimes those journeys navigate our spiritual life into dangerous territory that  cause us undue pain and suffering, even regret. As David called out to God, in today's scripture, God answered His prayer and took Him back into His good graces. David made many mistakes in life...painful, miserable mistakes that even caused death to other people. After walking down the wrong path and making poor choices, the Spirit of God convicted him, and he was able to ask for forgiveness and restoration. 

God is in the "back" business. He wants us back in His graces. Where are you here and now? Are you walking on the right path, or has your selfish and prideful ways moved you away from God and you are heading for a spiritual wreck? Call out to God and He will restore your life and spirit. He promises to answer you..."ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you...Matthew 7:7. Hit the back button of your life and go back to the home front of God. He is ready to receive you! Blessings friend.

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