Thursday, July 6, 2017

   "As for you also, Because of the blood of your covenant, I will set your prisoners free from the waterless pit. Return to the stonghold, you prisoners of hope. Even today I declare that I will restore double to you. 
Zechariah 9:11-12 

I recall years ago we had a small fire in our home. After the fire department put out the fire, we had a mess and had to live somewhere else temporarily while construction workers basically remodeled 1/4 of our house. From new paint, flooring, carpet and fixtures....once completed we had what seemed like a new home. Those rooms were out dated and this tragic event brought about something better than we could have asked for at that time. 

Our journey with the Lord is often the same. There are things in life that we must surrender if we want to live by God's standards. So many delightful pleasures that abound these days, but for the the discerning child of God, they know the limits of their pursuits and often refrain themselves from putting their trust in things that lead to temptation and sin. The benefits of living a discerning life keep the child of God pure and weight free of sin's strong gravity...pulling you down.  

Are you faced with things in life that you know are outside of God's will? Burn them. Even if you are temporarily displaced, it's better to let go of the things seen, and look forward to the unseen rewards that await you in Heaven. I assure you, those rewards in Heaven are double and more pleasureful than anything this sinful world can provide. Put your faith and stronghold in the Lord. 
God bless!

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