Saturday, July 22, 2017

And have no fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. 
Ephesians 5:11

I'm sure you've noticed, while shopping for a certain item, you look down the Isle and there are many of the same product, just different manufacturers. Their packaging is made to catch your eye. But the real test is to read the label to see what's inside the attractive package. You might be surprised by what you see and make a wise decision to not purchase the product with hazardous or unhealthy ingredients. 

This world in which we live provides many pleasures, through relationships, activities, music and the list continues. For the child of God, it's necessary to read the labels of everything we allow in our life. Protecting our eyes, minds, bodies and spirit is the key to maintaining our purest witness. People, things, food and drinks may seem pleasureful, but will they cause you harm or damage your witness? Best advice I can give, is to screen everything through God. Ask Him to reveal things he blesses and expose the toxic things of this world to keep you spiritually clean and healthy for His service. 

What ever you pursue in life, screen it through God's holy filter. He knows what's best and wants you to live free from the chains that can bind your spirit and hinder His work in your life. Pray for wisdom and expose the truth, life will be more meaningful for you and those who are impacted by your witness. Have a blessed day.

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