Wednesday, July 5, 2017

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2

God has a plan and purpose for each child of God. Like a machine that has many parts, you are one of God's many moving parts that works together, with other believers, to accomplish the Lord's will. You may feel insignificant in the big scheme of things, but trust me...without your active participation, spiritual production will be minimal at best. 

How do you keep the spiritual production working properly? By keeping yourself well maintained. Today's scripture talks about renewing your mind in Christ. When you allow worldly things in your life, they diminish your testimony, weaken your faith which could lead to part failure. Don't be the broken part that has to be replaced! Stay in tune with God and well maintained by filtering out impurities, read God's word daily....throughout the day, and make time to pray often. Unless you keep your life free from rust and decay, you will eventually halt God's production of saving souls and ministering in your local community. 

How about your life well maintained and actively working for the Lord? Ask God to give you wisdom to keep that brain and heart free of the world so you can perform effectively for Him. He has a plan and purpose for your life, do it well my friend and never stop working for the Lord. God bless.

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