Tuesday, October 31, 2017

If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.

Romans 12:18


As certain as there is oxygen to breath, someone at some point, will offend you. Sadly, we live in a culture that centers around “self” more than consideration of others. People have it in their mind to put their ways first, let the others fend for themselves. This selfish attitude causes friction with those around them. Eventually you will run into someone with this centered attitude and it will scratch your nerves like a steel brush against the skin.


Scripture says….”Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men” verse 17. To live peaceably with others, requires us to refrain from fighting back or “getting even”. For me, I have found that when I look at someone, I try not to look at the person’s behavior, but remember..they are a creation of God. God has allowed their existence in this world…if anything to teach you a lesson in patience, forgiveness and love. I have seen love grow in the lives of those who have been victim to affairs, abuse and gossip. Living peaceably with others requires the child of God to draw upon His strength, His wisdom and His unconditional love…to love who seems to be unlovable.


Jesus was the perfect example of unconditional love. As He carried the cross of mankind, Christ was hit, cursed and falsely accused, yet He did it because He loved you and me. Maybe there is someone in your life that is difficult to love, much less live “peaceably” with….give them over to God and draw upon His Holy Spirit living inside you to love and live peaceably with them! Trust me friend, He will give you what you need to live like Christ. Live in peace by allowing His Spirit to live through you today! God bless!

Monday, October 30, 2017

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound. Isaiah 61:1


Following a disaster, organizations like the Red Cross, are one of many who go into an impacted area and provide food, water, clothing and shelter to those in need. When everything is gone and nothing left to salvage, except life, these organizations and groups provide hope for tomorrow.


That’s exactly what God has done for mankind. He created this world, and the people in it to live life and live it abundantly by worshipping and honoring Him. Unfortunately, the devil was present and quickly diverted mankind’s attention away from God so they pursued things of this world and not the blessings of God. God saw the need to bring hope for not just tomorrow, but all eternity. Jesus Christ is mankind’s rescue team, and He came alone. His sacrifice on the cross to pay for your sins is all that was required of God to pave the way to release you from the chains of addictions, sin and spiritual death. Have you received Jesus free gift of Salvation?


“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly”. John 10:10 Satan wants to destroy you, Jesus wants to save you and give life a whole new meaning….wont you follow Him today. Simply pray, asking Jesus Christ to come into your heart and forgive you of your sins…past present and future…and to live for Him each day. Eternal life is one simple prayer….wont you take the hand of the rescuer and have hope for eternity? God bless!  

Sunday, October 29, 2017

And most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident by my chains, are much more bold to speak the word without fear. Philippians 1:14


Are you praying for your preacher? Every week he has responsibilities to meet the needs of the church and its members as well as prepare several messages. Much time is given in prayer and study to bring a message that speaks to your heart and moves you to serve God more deeply. Your preacher is always under attack from Satan. The last thing Satan wants is for you to grow in your faith. Any thing or person that helps you, is on target for his attacks. Your preacher needs your prayers each day.


As you get ready for church this morning, ask God to prepare your heart to receive the word and ready it for growth and develop a stronger passion to serve God. Pray for your preacher, that God’s hand protects him from satanic attack and that he has the boldness and courage to deliver a message that needs to be heard by the congregation.


Pray for your preacher and let him know about it sometime today, either before or after the service. He needs to know he has the backing of his church family. The struggle is real to live the Christian walk every day….the struggle is even more real to deliver the word of God. It’s a huge responsibility, takes courage and boldness and its your preacher’s calling by God….back him in prayer and support! God will grow your church family when the congregation prayers together! See ya in church today!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17


Trademarks, we see them everywhere. The letters, symbols and colors of their trademark identify the company. Products that are legitimately produced by the company bare their licensed logo. Some manufactures try duplicate products, from big named companies, and look very similar, but the quality is not the same. The trademark tells the truth.


As Christians, we are to bare the trademark of Christ in everything we do. As you go throughout the day, can you say your life is a true reflection of Christ? Do others see the trademark of Christ living in and through you? Some of the character traits of Christ are: thankful, merciful, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering, bearing with one another, forgiving and love….which is the bond of perfection. Colossians 3:12-14


If you are like me, there are days you struggle to be the real deal for Christ. The pressures of life, attacks from Satan and personal failures, tarnish the characteristics of Christ living on the inside. But, as a child of God, you are washed in the blood of Christ, completely forgiven of all sins...so don’t waller in your weaknesses, but be strong with God’s help. The trademark of Christ is stamped on your heart, do your best…with God’s help….to be the real deal for Him. People need to see Christ in us….be His trademark today! God bless!

Friday, October 27, 2017

that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— 19 to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Ephesians 3:17-19


One of the most critical components of a vehicle is its wheels. Unless they are in good shape, you won’t be able to go very far. The depth of tread is the biggest safety factor for tires. Deep tread allows debris and rain, on the roadway, to channel through the tire, which allows constant traction of the tire to the pavement. If the tires are worn, the tread is less and contact can be lost with the road…thus leaving the vehicle vulnerable to hydroplaning and running off the roadway.


What’s the depth of your spiritual tread? We travel through life at various speeds, but the most critical aspect of our journey is the depth of our relationship with God. The closer we are to Him, the deeper our spiritual tread and we are able to navigate through the muck and debris on the roadway of life without losing traction. Sometimes the things we encounter make us slow down, so the obstacles can pass through our life, yet our faith stays grounded and strong. When our faith is weak and relationship distant from God, our traction is not good, especially when we encounter those life storms that throw a lot of debris on the path ahead.


How is your spiritual tires? Got tread? Maybe it’s time to change them out with some better ones. Ask God to renew your spiritual tread, walk ever so closely with Him, pray, read His word and talk to Him throughout the day. As you do, His love and presence will deepen the tread on your spiritual wheels so you can handle what comes your way without running off the roadway of life. Keep your wheels in good shape with the Lord today! God bless!  

Thursday, October 26, 2017

so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ; 1 Peter 1:7


One of my favorite things to do is cook in the kitchen. I enjoy food, so of course I know how to cook. The best meals take time to prepare. Patience is the key when cooking big, delicious meals. One thing for sure, the kitchen can become quite warm with the oven on, burners heating up what’s in the skillet and of course me running to and fro with all the preparations.  All of my time, energy and heat in the kitchen results in a delicious meal!


For the Christian, God has something special in mind for your life. He is serving up blessings on a daily basis. Some are small crumpets and others are big meals. Each one takes time for God to prepare, just for you. That small balance of funds in your checking account and much needed vehicle repairs, yet you faithfully tithe, results in an unexpected check in the mail..just enough to fix your car, the long period of being single results in God providing a true soulmate for your life, the challenges and pressures of your job result in a promotion you never saw coming. God uses time to prepare our blessings and provisions. It can get hot in your spiritual kitchen…..just know that He is preparing something special for you.


Maybe it seems like God hasn’t served up many blessings in a while. Stay true to Him and trust in His cooking abilities. The genuineness of your faith rewards you with quality blessings.  Provide Him the best and see Him serve up something special for your life! God bless!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel, which is translated, “God with us.”


Yesterday I ate dinner with a good friend. During the conversation, we talked briefly about Christmas and how it was rapidly approaching.  She became quiet and sadness came across her face. Christmas won’t be the same for her, as previous Christmases, as things have changed in her life. She quickly noted that she was ready to get through that season and start the New Year.


Christmas time is a time of celebration. The birth of Jesus Christ is not just a simple story told over and over; it was a life changing event for all of mankind. Through our Savior’s arrival into the world, the life He lived, His death and resurrection, gave eternal life to everyone who believes in Him and calls upon His saving grace. Once received, you join the family of God, who is always with you, never to leave nor forsake you. God is with us, God is with you friend.


A loss of family and its traditions, around Christmas time, may find you feeling empty and sad. Find joy in the Lord and realize you are not alone. Your Christmas traditions may have changed, but God’s love and sweet presence in your life has never changed….and never will. Focus on God’s goodness as you approach the Christmas season and thank Him for all He has done. Fill the voids of Christmas traditions with His presence and extend His presence, in your life, to someone who is in need of a Savior.

God bless!    


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

You have set our iniquities before You, Our secret sins in the light of Your countenance. For all our days have passed away in Your wrath; We finished our years like a sigh. Psalm 90:8-9


The consequences of wrong behavior can be lasting. One speeding ticket may cause your insurance premium to increase, consuming drugs can damage brain cells that can’t be replaced, hurtful actions towards another maybe be forgiven for not forgotten and wild spending on a credit card will put you into debt that is costly to repay over time. Wrong behavior does have lasting effects. Although the behavior is corrected, its impacts can be felt for years, even a lifetime.


The same is true when we sin against God. Yes, God forgives, yet as a result of our disobedience, we will labor and struggle to recover. Recovery may take days, weeks even years as a result of the wrongful ways we chose. The best and painless choice is to always stay within the righteousness of God and avoid sinful living. Easier said than done, but with God’s help, it can be accomplished. The more you devote your day to the Lord, the more His hand protects you from enemy attack. Sometimes the temptation is so strong, all you can do is grasp His hand and walk carefully around the temptation.


Recovery from sinful living and past mistakes can take time, a lot of time, but with God’s help and strength you can find yourself renewed for a new day…even a new life! Trust Him in the journey of life, learn from your mistakes and use the time of spiritual healing to grow you in your walk with the Lord. He loves you enough to give you the grace necessary to live life to its fullest! God bless!

Monday, October 23, 2017

You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11


Ever have one of those days when everything was perfect? That parking space close to the business just opened up as you pulled into the parking lot, that issue at work resolved itself before you had to intervene, that view of the mountains or ocean was spectacular and took your breath away. Days like these make you appreciate life and make your soul happy.  


One thing I have found in my walk with the Lord, the closer I am to Him, the more blessings I have throughout the day. Like standing close to a campfire, the closer to it you stand, the more your body feels its warmth. Same is true with God…when you walk in complete obedience and follow His voice, you will feel His presence and find fullness of life, joy unspeakable and little pleasures throughout the day. The more you acknowledge Him through the day by prayer and thought, the more He will go ahead of you and work out the path before you.


Want a better day, give it to God, acknowledge Him in everything you do and He will make your path straight and shower blessings along the way! Have an awesome and wonderful day in the Lord!

God bless!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Matthew 5:11

Have you ever been made fun of as a kid, maybe as an adult? It hurts when you are the target of someone else's joke. All you want to do is lay low and not be seen.
As Christians we should expect to face ridicule some persecution or resentment, isolation from others...even false accusations. As scripture says we are not of this world...we are as foreigners...so we should stand out. As a result, the nonbelievers will have no reason to understand your ways, your sacrifices, your preservation from things and lifestyles that are similar to their ways. Believe me, they simply don't understand. Satan has darkened their eyes to the light of Christ.

Be the light of Christ everywhere you go...the world needs to see the truth, the hope for tomorrow through Jesus Christ and a love like no other. A true test of your life....are you tried and josted  by others? If not, you might need to check your behavior to make sure it aligns with Jesus! Be a light for others to see they truth and help set them free! God bless.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Being confident of this very thing, that He who begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6

Game day, Saturdays are exciting for many people as they watch their favorite college football team battle against the opponet. During a good game there will be victorious moments and times when everyone wants to know why the coach called for an unsuccessful play. It can get crazy exciting for the ones there watching and at home monitoring it by television.

As Christians we are in a continual battle against our opponet, Satan. Some days he wins, some days you come out on top. Believe me, the struggle is real at times just to obtain a few yards. On the days you feel defeated, have no worries...the battle has already been won...Read it in Revelations! Satan and his team of demons may appear to have the upper hand, but our Father in Heaven has the trophy and He wants you to share in the victory celebration.

Your bad game plays can be frequent...learn from them and seek out God's voice for the right plays. Trust Him with every days plan. He knows the enemies weakness and will shoot you through the scrimmage line to a victorious touchdown. God bless

Friday, October 20, 2017

Love  never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:8

One simple passage but so true. When your life is seasoned with love it forgives, it has compassion for the needy, it challenges you to live right in the eyes of God, it sees not race, sex, or disability but another human being...a creation of God.

How full are you of love? Some days it's a struggle to love ourselves, much less others. But when we read  God's word, pray  and have a willing heart...He will take your spark of love and turn it into a flame of fire that no one can extinguish.

But above all things out on love, which is the bond of perfection. Colossians 3:14.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3: 5-6

Today’s blog focusses on worry. Let’s look at the advantages of worrying. First, it allows you to center all your attention on one thing or issue. Secondly, because it has your attention, you know exactly where it is, what is happening to it and you can almost guess (or assume) where it’s going or how it will turn out. Lastly, when you worry, you take ownership of the thing you are worried about. It becomes you or possibly you become it. Either way, it’s got you and you have it!

Well, I don’t know about you, but quite frankly I don’t want to worry about much in life. I accepted Christ to be saved and not let this old world bother me. Yet, at times I do tend to worry about things….and if your worries are like mine…they are OUT OF YOUR CONTROL! As a child of God, He offers to take our worries and concerns and deals with them in HIS own way. That relieves us from owning it…or it owning us, and frees us to focus on Him instead of the item of concern. I truly believe with all of my heart, Satan puts things and people in our life to take our focus OFF God and onto the worrisome issue. Would you say that is a fair assumption?

What’s got you worried, keeping you up at night, thinking about it all day long, trying to sort it out in your mind and trying to predict what might happen? Friend, if this is you, release the chains that bind and give it completely over to God. When you worry about something, it’s like that thing is in your hands. When your hands are full of the world’s worries, you leave no room to grasp God’s blessings.  Let Go and Let God have your worries. He has your back. Trust Him!

God bless

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.

Romans 5:17


Thomas Edison invented the first light bulb, The Wright brothers invented the first airplane and Karl Benz is credited with inventing the first gasoline powered car. Each of these things, we use frequently today….all created by their respective creators. We rely on light, automobiles and airplanes to get us through everyday life. But, do we have the same reliance on God through Jesus Christ?


Confidence allows someone to flip a switch and expects the lights to come on, turn the key and your car starts, go to the airport and fly to a destination. Why then do we not have the same confidence to expect God to help see our way through every day life? I believe we struggle with the invisible.  Yes, we can’t actually see the spirit of God working, but He does just that for us. What we can see is the result of His work in our life…..and that is what we NEED to always look for and remember. Expecting God to work in our life should have the same confidence as someone turning the key to start an automobile engine.


God is the inventor of eternal life through His son Jesus Christ. Have you put your faith and trust in Him and asked Him to come into your life and save your soul? You can have all the confidence in the world that He will save you, because he came to save the world, including you! Keep your eyes open to God’s work in your life, expect Him to do great things and see the fruits of your confidence and trust in Him.

God bless!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Proverbs 31:25


Today my baby girl turns 22 years old! Our paths crossed when she was only 7 months old and I have seen her through the good times and bad times. As the years passed, she has gone through many phases of life….happiness, heart break, sickness, healing and receiving the Lord as her Savior. Through everything she has encountered, she has stayed strong. Her spirit has been mighty and determined. Although she might be sad and hurting, you would never know it. Even in the most dire of circumstances, I have seen her smile and laugh through the challenges she faced.


God brought a wonderful man into her life years ago and they joined together in marriage. From their union, came my first grandson, Carter, who has enriched my life tremendously. That little fella takes love to a whole new dimension. God knew just the right person to raise this guy, my daughter Kendall. I have seen something in her develop…..a loving mother who gives her ALL for him. Total sacrifice on her part, she makes sure his every need is met. No matter the chaos in the room, her focus is always on him! Its so awesome to see her transition from a child to parent. She is doing an exceptional job and I pray for her daily!


Happy birthday Kendall…you have been a true blessing in my life. I am excited to see what this new year brings for you and your sweet family! May God always bless and protect your marriage and provide you the patience, love and wisdom as you raise Carter and love your husband Cody. God bless you three!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Psalm 37: 4 – 8

Delight yourself also in the Lord. Those things you enjoy in life, you do, you think about when not doing and you long for it all the time. Delighting yourself in the Lord is living life to please Him as He is always number 1 on your list of priorities. He is your joy, your devotion, your passion and by doing so, you align yourself to receive the desires of your heart.  

Commit your ways to the Lord. By making God’s business number 1 in your life, your decisions, thoughts, words and actions all reflect His wisdom and character. A person truly committed to God never compromises their beliefs nor sways in their devotion to God. As a child of God, you TRUST HIM  enough to follow His will and His instructions. Through your commitment to God, He will see you through life and your righteousness will be a light to those around you.  

Rest in the Lord. When you rest, you are at total peace. Your guard drops and you find comfort in the times of silence. Rest is important for the Child of God because He uses the quiet times to refresh, restore and renew your thinking. God’s loudest voice is a whisper…He wants NOTHING to compete with in your life, so take time to be quiet and wait patiently upon the Lord. Others around you may seem to have it together and succeed in their ways for the moment,  but God’s success is never hurried. It took Jesus 33 years to complete His mission on planet earth. For some, that’s a lifetime. Make time to rest and find wisdom in the sweet silence of life.

Cease from anger and forsake wrath. Anger does nothing good to the human body NOR those who are impacted by your anger. Learn to absorb your feelings of anger so you can hand that negative energy off to God to dispose of in His special way. God has a way of turning anger into forgiveness and unconditional love. And do not fret, it only causes harm. Worrying is your willingness to not let go and let God deal with an issue or concern. You can do nothing apart from God…so leave all the worries and concerns to Him…He is bigger than any problem you will ever face in life and He has the best solution! Trust Him in all matters.

IN GOD YOU…Delight, Commit, Trust, Rest, Wait. Do these things and your life, as a child of God, will find life more meaningful and with purpose. God bless you friend…walk ever so closely with the Lord today!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Have pity on me, O God, for I am in distress with sorrow my eye is consumed; my soul also, and my body. I am like a dish that is broken…But my trust is in you, O God; I say, you are my God:.

Psalm 31: 10-15


Yesterday my motorcycle travels took me to Lithia Springs, Georgia at the Harley Davidson store where they were celebrating a Day of Faith. Various ministry and outreach groups were on hand to share their mission and how to join and further their cause for the glory of God. Awesome time! During the event, I met a remarkable lady who was victim of domestic violence. Her marriage looked normal on the outside, but inside the confines of home was abuse, pain, control that continued for years. The things she suffered scared her heart. Unfortunately the impacts of abuse did not just affect her but her children as well.  Years of therapy, prayers and time will hopefully heal the wounds of abuse. Today, this lady has risen from the ashes and shares her testimony and offers hope to women and men who are victims of domestic violence.


 Are you are a victim of domestic abuse?  Maybe you don’t want to end the relationship, but simply want the abuse to stop. The majority of abusers don’t just change overnight, they need help and so do you!  God can help! Start praying about your situation and ask God to intervene and strengthen you. Seek professional help! Call 1-800-33-Haven in Georgia or visit www.faithtrustinstitute.org


Jesus Christ made a way for you to be free, not a slave to someone else! Find freedom from your chains of abuse through faith in God and seek professional help. Most victims feel like they are held captive and can’t contact the outside world…that’s a lie from Satan! You might feel like you are living with the devil. Break free friend and find the love you deserve from God and others who sincerely care about you!

God bless!

Saturday, October 14, 2017

You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with error of the wicked;      2 Peter 3:17


The other day I was in the drive through at McDonalds (I know big mistake) and I noticed one of their delivery trucks was parked near the building. On the side of that trailer was this picture of a juicy looking hamburger…just looking at it made me want to double my order. As I pulled away from McDonalds and opened the hamburger wrapper I looked at it…clearly it did not look like the one on the side of that truck. False advertising at its best. Here lately I’ve noticed a lot of false advertising. What looks good is not what you get!


As Christians, we have to always be on guard for Satan’s false advertising. You see, Satan knows our weaknesses and he doctors up sinful pleasures, relationships and things to entice us to pursue them….even wanting to double our order! But, behind that image of pleasure lies regret, shame and guilt…all feelings and emotions that can make a Christian feel worthless and distant from God. Over time that Christian will step away from God, serving Him and even stop attending church. This is the exact place Satan hopes to bring all of God’s children….far from God and fellowship with other believers! It’s a lie and trap….don’t fall for Satan’s false advertising!


If something or someone looks too good to be true, it probably is…and you need to check it out with God before pursuing. Pray about it and seek wisdom from the bible so you will keep your eyes sharp so you can distinguish between something of God and of Satan. Remain alert, Satan has already prepared the next false advertising for you….will you fall for it? I pray not. Seek God first and everything will be revealed to you! Have a blessed and safe day friend!

Friday, October 13, 2017

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 1 Timothy 2: 1-2

If you’ve ever ridden in the car with someone, as a passenger, you know how helpless you can feel. Basically you are at their mercy. So, as a passenger, you always want to encourage them and be their lookout for other drivers. I recall when the kids were young and all sitting in the van, they would occasionally get in fights and yell. Oh my goodness, it was so stressful trying to concentrate on driving safely.

Following the presidential election, it was quite clear who was happy and who was not when the votes were counted. From day one, protesters have been a loud voice in complete opposition of our president. Even today, almost a year later, protest continue and people are outraged…saying all kinds of things about the president…some true, some not so true. Others are trying their best to push him out of office. Whew, I would not want to be in his seat!

As a United States citizen, we must accept the fact that Donald Trump is President of the United States. Although you might not agree with him, he is in the driver’s seat of America. The last thing he needs is a lot of stressful political pressure to step down, noisy people trying to ruin his reputation….which just makes the entire country look bad. As Christians, we need to pray for our president, that God will provide him wisdom to make sound decisions for our country, now and for future generations. Its biblical, its truth and if you are doing anything other than God’s word, you are against God….plain and simple. No one is perfect, we all need Godly wisdom. Pray for our president as we are in trying times and he truly wants and needs our prayers! God bless!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”

Matthew 18:20


When tropical storm Nate came through my area, I stepped outside during the worst of the storm and looked up; to my amazement was a flock of geese flying. I thought to myself, why are they flying in this storm. As most geese do this time of year, they fly further south where the climate will be warmer. No matter what the weather conditions, they know they have to keep flying to get to their destination before winter arrives. What’s amazing is their flight formation. They always fly in a “V” pattern. By doing so, they pass air currents to the geese behind them (off the ends of their wings), which provide “lift” for those following. Even in the worst of storms, their V flight pattern will keep them aloft.


As children of God, we too have to fly through storms of life. As today’s scripture reminds us, where two or more are gathered, God will be in the midst of them. I can’t think of anyone else I’d want to fly through storms with than God. Although there are times we want to do it alone, it’s always best to call upon fellow believers to pray for us, encourage us and lend a shoulder to lean on .s God never intended for us to face the battles and challenges of life alone. He gave us each other. And when we ask for others to help us, God is in the midst of your gathering!


Facing a storm or in the middle of one? Don’t face it alone…call upon some of your closest brothers or sisters in Christ. Ask them to pray for you and encourage you to stay strong.  Pray for them as God will provide them wisdom to pass along to you! God will be among those who fly together. Fly strong, fly with others in Christ and feel His presence sustain your flight!

God bless

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8

July 5, 1865 the Secret Service was formed. Their main responsibility is to protect the President of the United States. No matter where he goes, they protect his life and that of his family members. To thoroughly protect him, they go ahead of him, days and weeks in advance, to check areas he will be to make sure it's safe and identify escape routes in the event something bad goes down. Where he goes, they go with him. 

For the child of God, we too have a secret service of sorts, God himself goes with us everywhere in life. He even goes ahead and plans out our route as we navigate through life. He provides escape routes when we are tempted to go down a wrong path. And even when we make a wrong turn in life, He never leaves your side. The key to utilizing His services is to keep an open ear to His direction. He does not want His children to make poor decisions in life, He wants us to be safe, available to serve Him and touch the lives of others. 

As a child of God, we have an enemy who wants to bring us down. Trust in God's protective services and listen when He alerts you to danger and follow His lead closely. He has already been where you are now and knows all the escape routes. Trust Him, follow Him and stay protected from the enemy! God bless.  

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as light in the world. 
Philippians 2:14-15

If there is one thing I don't like, it's complaining. I will admit I have done my fair share in the past, yet I look back now and realize it was wasted energy. Complaining does nothing good for anyone. Unfortunately it seems to be the main focus in everyone's conversation. It's easy to get sucked into a negative conversation...full of complaints about things and people. 

God did not call His children to to be whiners and have a negative attitude. He called us to be a light in the darkness. When you complain or engage in a negative conversation, it's like a dark cloud envelopes around you and whatever light exist in your presence is dimmed. Once you regulary engage in negative conversations, others look to you as reinforcement for their complaints and negative talk. 

Sometimes the best solution is to simply say nothing and walk away. God gives you just enough energy to power your light through the day. Don't drain it  on useless chatter. Be a light of encouragement and positive energy. Others feed off positivity, while negativity just reinforces the problem with no resolution. Stay bright today by avoiding the dark clouds of complaints and negative thinking. This world needs bright lights...shine for Him. 
God bless.

Monday, October 9, 2017

 And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said to him, “Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.” So Peter went out and wept bitterly. Luke 22:61-62


If there is one thing I’ve learned in my walk with the Lord, the more you do for Him, the more attacks you will encounter from Satan. As we read in today’s verses, we find Peter, one of Jesus closest disciples, denied Him to others who accused him of being with Jesus. Fear overtook Peter and he became weak in his faith and trust in the Lord. When Jesus gave Peter that “look”, WOW, can you imagine the feeling of guilt? Peter went away and wept bitterly.


Like me, I’m sure you have failed God at times in your walk with Him. When we fail God, we feel guilty and full of regret. Each person responds in different ways…some leave the church, others isolate themselves from other Christians. Satan’s greatest tactic is to get God’s child away from other believers and feel alone and isolated. That’s when Satan tries to feed you lies about your failures, making you feel unworthy of anything from the Lord. Friend, it’s just that, a lie. God knew you would fail Him, that is why He sent His son Jesus to be a sin offering for you and me. God has already forgiven your failures; past, present and future.


God can still use failures. Peter for example, established the first church in Rome! I can tell you God has given me the most powerful words in my blogs at times when I have been a complete failure to Him. God’s business never stops…His works will never fail, even when you do! Know that God loves you and wants to use you, even when you have failed Him. Trust Him today to do great a mighty things in your life, despite your failures. God’s works will be accomplished through imperfect people. Go with God today! God bless

Sunday, October 8, 2017

.and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him. Colossians 3:10

Years ago movie theaters would drop images of food and drinks into the preview portion of the movie. Although not visible to the naked eye, as it lasted for just a brief second, the brain would capture the image and it solicited a response to go buy snacks and drinks. Sales went up, and stayed up, until it became illegal to display these subliminal messages.   

Today's scripture encourages us to put on our new self as Christians. We are to reflect Christ in our everyday lives. But how do we reflect His image? As the illustration above shows, the mind is a powerful tool. What we feed on, influences our actions, words, and beliefs. When we keep looking at what the world has to serve up, our mind and body becomes entagled in sinful living and we struggle to reflect who Christ really is to others around us. 

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2. 
Friend, if you truly want to reflect Christ, you need to feed your mind on the word of God. By doing so, you retrain your brain to pursue Godly standards and live by righteous morals that keep yourself free from sinful practices. Ask God to reveal scripture to you every day and interpret it's meaning. Trust me, He will do it if you trust Him and ask for His help. I can't even count the number of times God has provided me scripture at just the right moment to help me in a certain situation. 

If you are gonna reflect Christ, you need to feed your mind, ears and eyes on the things of God and not the world. Turn off the TV, radio and spend some time in quietness, reading the bible. You will be amazed at the wisdom it provides and over time you will see yourself acting different, thinking more Godly thoughts and living life with more joy and satisfaction. Read the word and change your life to reflect Christ everyday. 
God bless.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved. 
Psalm 55:22

If you've ever had to move heavy, bulky things around, you know a wheel barrel is an excellent tool. Once the items are placed inside the barrel, it's easy to pick up...and that one wheel bears the weight of the entire load. Although the wheel bears the weight, it's up to you in how much you put in the barrel and your strength to lift it. Put too much in and you are not going anywhere. 

Jesus is like the wheel of the wheel barrel. He has just enough room to load your burdens, yet it's still up to you to lift and let the wheel of Christ move you forward. If you pile too much in the barrel,  you won't go anywhere. Sometimes we fill that barrel with too much stuff, emotions, worries....whatever weighs us down.  When it's too much to lift, you need to ask God to help you remove some of the load. YOU have to take responsibility in how much you take on in life. You weren't meant to lift the world, and God doesn't want you to...but He does want you to limit the load, so He can keep you working for Him. 

What's in your barrel today? It's big enough to take on anything. Maybe you need to chunk some unnecessary stuff so you can move on. Nothing wrong with removing some things or people from your life. It takes you and Jesus to move through this world, do your part to maintain a reasonable load and let the wheel of Christ keep ya moving forward. 
God bless friend!  

Friday, October 6, 2017

Jesus wept. John 11:35

In the preceding verses, Jesus got word that his friend Lazarus was dying. Delayed a few days, Jesus arrived 4 days after his death. Surrounded by his sisters, Jesus was caught up in the moment of emotions and wept with them as they grieved the loss of their brother. Jesus knew in just a few hours, He would bring Lazarus back to life. Yet, He still wept for their momentary loss. 

As a Christian, we know that Jesus is God in the flesh. The fact that Jesus wept, shows our God has emotions, and feels our pain when we experience loss or face difficulty. Even today, through the Holy Spirit living inside of every believer, He grieves for us and prays on our behalf..."Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." Romans 8:26. 

You may not think God has feelings, but He does. He compassionately loves you and is right there by your side in all facets of your life. When painful moments come your way, you can lean on Him and know His tears accompany yours. He will share in your pain and worries, and He will see you through the most challenging of times. Journey with Him through life, He is your friend! God bless.  

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Bow down Your ear, O Lord, hear me; For I am poor and needy. Psalm 86:1

‎ How many times in life have you prayed the scripture above? At various times in life we will be financially or spiritually poor and needy for the things in life. We often ask....how did we get to this lowly point in our life? Most of the time it's because of our own doing. Satan throws a baiting line of temptation and we get close enough to get hooked. 

Sinful living is a dangerous game for the child of God. Although one might find momentary pleasure in the act of disobedience, God will take that temporary pleasure and use it to drain you spiritually, financially and bring you to your knees in neediness for His forgiveness and restoration.

For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, And abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You. Psalm 86:5. The next time you find yourself spiritually bankrupt, call upon the Lord, asking for forgiveness and reconciliation. The Lord will not bless someone who pursues disobedience. Avoid the snares of satan and walk towards the light of Christ. Temptations don't stand a chance in the Light! God bless.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

Events such as 9/11 and the Las Vegas shooting can leave one asking “where is God when this tragedy was happening”. This morning God spoke the answer to me on my way to work….He is in the lives of His people. From the beginning of creation, God created man in His image.  His plan was, and still is today, for all of His creation to believe in Him, receive Jesus Christ into their life and reflect Him through their actions, words and beliefs. When a person is totally plugged into God, he or she acts in a manner worthy of the Lord. Their actions, words and beliefs resemble that of God, through His holy Spirit living inside each believer.

When someone acts counter to God, He is against God and not of Him. “He that is not with Me is against Me; and he that gathereth not with Me scattereth abroad.” Matthew 12:30. As I watched the video of the Las Vegas shooting, I noticed 2 reactions…..some people fled, while others knelt down right where they were standing. As Christians, we have a duty to serve God. When times of tragedy hit, we should not fret and flee the scene….but be confident and trusting in God to kneel and pray.  Understand the simple truth that God made you in His image and your duty is to reflect Him in your everyday life.

Was the devil in this shooter’s life? You bet he was. Nothing this person did reflected the image of God. As we pray for the victims and families of this tragic event, let us also share our faith with those who are outside the family of God. They too need to know there is nothing to fear with God. God is our rock, our shield and comforter…believe in Him, trust Him and reflect Him through your life today! God bless!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Since you are precious in My sight, you have been honored, and I have loved you; Therefore I will give men for you, and people for your life. Isaiah 43:4

When I purchased my home 4 years ago, the first thing I wanted to do was fill it with furniture and decor that reflected a "western" theme. As I traveled around, I would find pieces that fit perfectly in various rooms of the house. Over time, I have redone some rooms. No longer does certain pieces of decor fit, so I had to replace them with something more appropriate. A house, and the things in it, change over time but the house stays the same. 

Perfect example of us as humans and children of God. God created us and He knows who is the perfect fit in our lives. He hand picks the right people who will be colorful, meaningful and keep the theme of Christ alive in our life. God blesses us with people that encourage us and make our life better. Over time, we change and our purpose in life sometimes is redirected. It's then when those original people don't necessarily fit our new path, and God often removes them. As difficult as it might be, you have to let them go. God has plans to use you and wants to bless you in the changes of life. Be willing to let Him decorate your soul with new friends as He is the perfect spiritual interior designer. 

Feeling disconnected from certain people in your life? God just might be ready to change your life theme. Trust Him with every replacement!  Something better, something more beautiful is coming your way. Trust Him in the change! God bless.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Therefore I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; My God will hear me. Micah 7:7

 Silence and waiting are two things most of us do not like. We live in a noisy and busy world, our bodies and minds are conditioned to the sound and speed of life. When we have to wait or sit in silence, frustration and impatience build, and we feel the need to do something to fill the void. 

God often takes His children through periods of silence and require us to wait on His next move. Although we dread those times and question if God is doing anything at the moment, we must be patient and trust He is doing something in the background that we can't see. During this time of wait, our senses become more keen to things around us and we "look" for God in things, circumstances and people we come into contact. He wants us to be on point and looking for His guiding hand. Without the increase of our senses, we might miss the open door He is directing us to take. 

Waiting on the Lord? I personally am myself. It takes a strong will to be patient and sharpen the senses so we won't miss His prompting to move in a certain direction. As you wait, trust Him, continue to be obedient in all matters of life, and never try to fill the void with something or someone...when you do, you pick the wrong way and will miss God's better way. Be patient in the wait, God will bless you soon!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God." Revelation 2:7

Our earthly journey is much like hiking in the mountains. At first the trail is smooth and slightly inclined. As you move along the trail becomes more rocky and steep. Nothing is consistent when you reach higher elevations, as the trail goes up and down, and often the pathway narrows to a single log footbridge that you must traverse if you want to keep going. Another noticeable thing as you climb higher, you see fewer people, as some have given up and stopped or turned around. 

So it is in our walk with the Lord and the church itself. We are always under enemy attack. At times the journey is smooth and protected, but sooner than later the journey becomes more challenging and it's a struggle to take another step. Everything in your body is saying stop and turn around...or take an easier path. As you go through a tough portion, you notice no one else is around....Friend, God has allowed the path to narrow so the only thing you can cling to is His hand and no others. He walks us through the toughest times in life, as He is dependable and never leaves our side. 

One we have completed our journey, the view from Heaven will  be breathtaking and you will quickly realize all the pain, discouragement and alone times were worth it for the eternal prize of life compares to nothing else. Keep moving in faithful obedience friend....your mountaintop view awaits you!!! God bless!!!