Monday, October 23, 2017

You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11


Ever have one of those days when everything was perfect? That parking space close to the business just opened up as you pulled into the parking lot, that issue at work resolved itself before you had to intervene, that view of the mountains or ocean was spectacular and took your breath away. Days like these make you appreciate life and make your soul happy.  


One thing I have found in my walk with the Lord, the closer I am to Him, the more blessings I have throughout the day. Like standing close to a campfire, the closer to it you stand, the more your body feels its warmth. Same is true with God…when you walk in complete obedience and follow His voice, you will feel His presence and find fullness of life, joy unspeakable and little pleasures throughout the day. The more you acknowledge Him through the day by prayer and thought, the more He will go ahead of you and work out the path before you.


Want a better day, give it to God, acknowledge Him in everything you do and He will make your path straight and shower blessings along the way! Have an awesome and wonderful day in the Lord!

God bless!

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