Wednesday, October 11, 2017

And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8

July 5, 1865 the Secret Service was formed. Their main responsibility is to protect the President of the United States. No matter where he goes, they protect his life and that of his family members. To thoroughly protect him, they go ahead of him, days and weeks in advance, to check areas he will be to make sure it's safe and identify escape routes in the event something bad goes down. Where he goes, they go with him. 

For the child of God, we too have a secret service of sorts, God himself goes with us everywhere in life. He even goes ahead and plans out our route as we navigate through life. He provides escape routes when we are tempted to go down a wrong path. And even when we make a wrong turn in life, He never leaves your side. The key to utilizing His services is to keep an open ear to His direction. He does not want His children to make poor decisions in life, He wants us to be safe, available to serve Him and touch the lives of others. 

As a child of God, we have an enemy who wants to bring us down. Trust in God's protective services and listen when He alerts you to danger and follow His lead closely. He has already been where you are now and knows all the escape routes. Trust Him, follow Him and stay protected from the enemy! God bless.  

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