Tuesday, October 31, 2017

If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.

Romans 12:18


As certain as there is oxygen to breath, someone at some point, will offend you. Sadly, we live in a culture that centers around “self” more than consideration of others. People have it in their mind to put their ways first, let the others fend for themselves. This selfish attitude causes friction with those around them. Eventually you will run into someone with this centered attitude and it will scratch your nerves like a steel brush against the skin.


Scripture says….”Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men” verse 17. To live peaceably with others, requires us to refrain from fighting back or “getting even”. For me, I have found that when I look at someone, I try not to look at the person’s behavior, but remember..they are a creation of God. God has allowed their existence in this world…if anything to teach you a lesson in patience, forgiveness and love. I have seen love grow in the lives of those who have been victim to affairs, abuse and gossip. Living peaceably with others requires the child of God to draw upon His strength, His wisdom and His unconditional love…to love who seems to be unlovable.


Jesus was the perfect example of unconditional love. As He carried the cross of mankind, Christ was hit, cursed and falsely accused, yet He did it because He loved you and me. Maybe there is someone in your life that is difficult to love, much less live “peaceably” with….give them over to God and draw upon His Holy Spirit living inside you to love and live peaceably with them! Trust me friend, He will give you what you need to live like Christ. Live in peace by allowing His Spirit to live through you today! God bless!

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