Saturday, October 21, 2017

Being confident of this very thing, that He who begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6

Game day, Saturdays are exciting for many people as they watch their favorite college football team battle against the opponet. During a good game there will be victorious moments and times when everyone wants to know why the coach called for an unsuccessful play. It can get crazy exciting for the ones there watching and at home monitoring it by television.

As Christians we are in a continual battle against our opponet, Satan. Some days he wins, some days you come out on top. Believe me, the struggle is real at times just to obtain a few yards. On the days you feel defeated, have no worries...the battle has already been won...Read it in Revelations! Satan and his team of demons may appear to have the upper hand, but our Father in Heaven has the trophy and He wants you to share in the victory celebration.

Your bad game plays can be frequent...learn from them and seek out God's voice for the right plays. Trust Him with every days plan. He knows the enemies weakness and will shoot you through the scrimmage line to a victorious touchdown. God bless

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