Monday, October 9, 2017

 And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said to him, “Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.” So Peter went out and wept bitterly. Luke 22:61-62


If there is one thing I’ve learned in my walk with the Lord, the more you do for Him, the more attacks you will encounter from Satan. As we read in today’s verses, we find Peter, one of Jesus closest disciples, denied Him to others who accused him of being with Jesus. Fear overtook Peter and he became weak in his faith and trust in the Lord. When Jesus gave Peter that “look”, WOW, can you imagine the feeling of guilt? Peter went away and wept bitterly.


Like me, I’m sure you have failed God at times in your walk with Him. When we fail God, we feel guilty and full of regret. Each person responds in different ways…some leave the church, others isolate themselves from other Christians. Satan’s greatest tactic is to get God’s child away from other believers and feel alone and isolated. That’s when Satan tries to feed you lies about your failures, making you feel unworthy of anything from the Lord. Friend, it’s just that, a lie. God knew you would fail Him, that is why He sent His son Jesus to be a sin offering for you and me. God has already forgiven your failures; past, present and future.


God can still use failures. Peter for example, established the first church in Rome! I can tell you God has given me the most powerful words in my blogs at times when I have been a complete failure to Him. God’s business never stops…His works will never fail, even when you do! Know that God loves you and wants to use you, even when you have failed Him. Trust Him today to do great a mighty things in your life, despite your failures. God’s works will be accomplished through imperfect people. Go with God today! God bless

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