Sunday, October 8, 2017

.and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him. Colossians 3:10

Years ago movie theaters would drop images of food and drinks into the preview portion of the movie. Although not visible to the naked eye, as it lasted for just a brief second, the brain would capture the image and it solicited a response to go buy snacks and drinks. Sales went up, and stayed up, until it became illegal to display these subliminal messages.   

Today's scripture encourages us to put on our new self as Christians. We are to reflect Christ in our everyday lives. But how do we reflect His image? As the illustration above shows, the mind is a powerful tool. What we feed on, influences our actions, words, and beliefs. When we keep looking at what the world has to serve up, our mind and body becomes entagled in sinful living and we struggle to reflect who Christ really is to others around us. 

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2. 
Friend, if you truly want to reflect Christ, you need to feed your mind on the word of God. By doing so, you retrain your brain to pursue Godly standards and live by righteous morals that keep yourself free from sinful practices. Ask God to reveal scripture to you every day and interpret it's meaning. Trust me, He will do it if you trust Him and ask for His help. I can't even count the number of times God has provided me scripture at just the right moment to help me in a certain situation. 

If you are gonna reflect Christ, you need to feed your mind, ears and eyes on the things of God and not the world. Turn off the TV, radio and spend some time in quietness, reading the bible. You will be amazed at the wisdom it provides and over time you will see yourself acting different, thinking more Godly thoughts and living life with more joy and satisfaction. Read the word and change your life to reflect Christ everyday. 
God bless.

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