Saturday, October 7, 2017

Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved. 
Psalm 55:22

If you've ever had to move heavy, bulky things around, you know a wheel barrel is an excellent tool. Once the items are placed inside the barrel, it's easy to pick up...and that one wheel bears the weight of the entire load. Although the wheel bears the weight, it's up to you in how much you put in the barrel and your strength to lift it. Put too much in and you are not going anywhere. 

Jesus is like the wheel of the wheel barrel. He has just enough room to load your burdens, yet it's still up to you to lift and let the wheel of Christ move you forward. If you pile too much in the barrel,  you won't go anywhere. Sometimes we fill that barrel with too much stuff, emotions, worries....whatever weighs us down.  When it's too much to lift, you need to ask God to help you remove some of the load. YOU have to take responsibility in how much you take on in life. You weren't meant to lift the world, and God doesn't want you to...but He does want you to limit the load, so He can keep you working for Him. 

What's in your barrel today? It's big enough to take on anything. Maybe you need to chunk some unnecessary stuff so you can move on. Nothing wrong with removing some things or people from your life. It takes you and Jesus to move through this world, do your part to maintain a reasonable load and let the wheel of Christ keep ya moving forward. 
God bless friend!  

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