Sunday, October 29, 2017

And most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident by my chains, are much more bold to speak the word without fear. Philippians 1:14


Are you praying for your preacher? Every week he has responsibilities to meet the needs of the church and its members as well as prepare several messages. Much time is given in prayer and study to bring a message that speaks to your heart and moves you to serve God more deeply. Your preacher is always under attack from Satan. The last thing Satan wants is for you to grow in your faith. Any thing or person that helps you, is on target for his attacks. Your preacher needs your prayers each day.


As you get ready for church this morning, ask God to prepare your heart to receive the word and ready it for growth and develop a stronger passion to serve God. Pray for your preacher, that God’s hand protects him from satanic attack and that he has the boldness and courage to deliver a message that needs to be heard by the congregation.


Pray for your preacher and let him know about it sometime today, either before or after the service. He needs to know he has the backing of his church family. The struggle is real to live the Christian walk every day….the struggle is even more real to deliver the word of God. It’s a huge responsibility, takes courage and boldness and its your preacher’s calling by God….back him in prayer and support! God will grow your church family when the congregation prayers together! See ya in church today!

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