Sunday, October 22, 2017

Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Matthew 5:11

Have you ever been made fun of as a kid, maybe as an adult? It hurts when you are the target of someone else's joke. All you want to do is lay low and not be seen.
As Christians we should expect to face ridicule some persecution or resentment, isolation from others...even false accusations. As scripture says we are not of this world...we are as we should stand out. As a result, the nonbelievers will have no reason to understand your ways, your sacrifices, your preservation from things and lifestyles that are similar to their ways. Believe me, they simply don't understand. Satan has darkened their eyes to the light of Christ.

Be the light of Christ everywhere you go...the world needs to see the truth, the hope for tomorrow through Jesus Christ and a love like no other. A true test of your life....are you tried and josted  by others? If not, you might need to check your behavior to make sure it aligns with Jesus! Be a light for others to see they truth and help set them free! God bless.

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