Saturday, October 14, 2017

You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with error of the wicked;      2 Peter 3:17


The other day I was in the drive through at McDonalds (I know big mistake) and I noticed one of their delivery trucks was parked near the building. On the side of that trailer was this picture of a juicy looking hamburger…just looking at it made me want to double my order. As I pulled away from McDonalds and opened the hamburger wrapper I looked at it…clearly it did not look like the one on the side of that truck. False advertising at its best. Here lately I’ve noticed a lot of false advertising. What looks good is not what you get!


As Christians, we have to always be on guard for Satan’s false advertising. You see, Satan knows our weaknesses and he doctors up sinful pleasures, relationships and things to entice us to pursue them….even wanting to double our order! But, behind that image of pleasure lies regret, shame and guilt…all feelings and emotions that can make a Christian feel worthless and distant from God. Over time that Christian will step away from God, serving Him and even stop attending church. This is the exact place Satan hopes to bring all of God’s children….far from God and fellowship with other believers! It’s a lie and trap….don’t fall for Satan’s false advertising!


If something or someone looks too good to be true, it probably is…and you need to check it out with God before pursuing. Pray about it and seek wisdom from the bible so you will keep your eyes sharp so you can distinguish between something of God and of Satan. Remain alert, Satan has already prepared the next false advertising for you….will you fall for it? I pray not. Seek God first and everything will be revealed to you! Have a blessed and safe day friend!

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