Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel, which is translated, “God with us.”


Yesterday I ate dinner with a good friend. During the conversation, we talked briefly about Christmas and how it was rapidly approaching.  She became quiet and sadness came across her face. Christmas won’t be the same for her, as previous Christmases, as things have changed in her life. She quickly noted that she was ready to get through that season and start the New Year.


Christmas time is a time of celebration. The birth of Jesus Christ is not just a simple story told over and over; it was a life changing event for all of mankind. Through our Savior’s arrival into the world, the life He lived, His death and resurrection, gave eternal life to everyone who believes in Him and calls upon His saving grace. Once received, you join the family of God, who is always with you, never to leave nor forsake you. God is with us, God is with you friend.


A loss of family and its traditions, around Christmas time, may find you feeling empty and sad. Find joy in the Lord and realize you are not alone. Your Christmas traditions may have changed, but God’s love and sweet presence in your life has never changed….and never will. Focus on God’s goodness as you approach the Christmas season and thank Him for all He has done. Fill the voids of Christmas traditions with His presence and extend His presence, in your life, to someone who is in need of a Savior.

God bless!    


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