Wednesday, October 18, 2017

For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.

Romans 5:17


Thomas Edison invented the first light bulb, The Wright brothers invented the first airplane and Karl Benz is credited with inventing the first gasoline powered car. Each of these things, we use frequently today….all created by their respective creators. We rely on light, automobiles and airplanes to get us through everyday life. But, do we have the same reliance on God through Jesus Christ?


Confidence allows someone to flip a switch and expects the lights to come on, turn the key and your car starts, go to the airport and fly to a destination. Why then do we not have the same confidence to expect God to help see our way through every day life? I believe we struggle with the invisible.  Yes, we can’t actually see the spirit of God working, but He does just that for us. What we can see is the result of His work in our life…..and that is what we NEED to always look for and remember. Expecting God to work in our life should have the same confidence as someone turning the key to start an automobile engine.


God is the inventor of eternal life through His son Jesus Christ. Have you put your faith and trust in Him and asked Him to come into your life and save your soul? You can have all the confidence in the world that He will save you, because he came to save the world, including you! Keep your eyes open to God’s work in your life, expect Him to do great things and see the fruits of your confidence and trust in Him.

God bless!

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