Monday, October 2, 2017

Therefore I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; My God will hear me. Micah 7:7

 Silence and waiting are two things most of us do not like. We live in a noisy and busy world, our bodies and minds are conditioned to the sound and speed of life. When we have to wait or sit in silence, frustration and impatience build, and we feel the need to do something to fill the void. 

God often takes His children through periods of silence and require us to wait on His next move. Although we dread those times and question if God is doing anything at the moment, we must be patient and trust He is doing something in the background that we can't see. During this time of wait, our senses become more keen to things around us and we "look" for God in things, circumstances and people we come into contact. He wants us to be on point and looking for His guiding hand. Without the increase of our senses, we might miss the open door He is directing us to take. 

Waiting on the Lord? I personally am myself. It takes a strong will to be patient and sharpen the senses so we won't miss His prompting to move in a certain direction. As you wait, trust Him, continue to be obedient in all matters of life, and never try to fill the void with something or someone...when you do, you pick the wrong way and will miss God's better way. Be patient in the wait, God will bless you soon!

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