Wednesday, October 4, 2017

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

Events such as 9/11 and the Las Vegas shooting can leave one asking “where is God when this tragedy was happening”. This morning God spoke the answer to me on my way to work….He is in the lives of His people. From the beginning of creation, God created man in His image.  His plan was, and still is today, for all of His creation to believe in Him, receive Jesus Christ into their life and reflect Him through their actions, words and beliefs. When a person is totally plugged into God, he or she acts in a manner worthy of the Lord. Their actions, words and beliefs resemble that of God, through His holy Spirit living inside each believer.

When someone acts counter to God, He is against God and not of Him. “He that is not with Me is against Me; and he that gathereth not with Me scattereth abroad.” Matthew 12:30. As I watched the video of the Las Vegas shooting, I noticed 2 reactions…..some people fled, while others knelt down right where they were standing. As Christians, we have a duty to serve God. When times of tragedy hit, we should not fret and flee the scene….but be confident and trusting in God to kneel and pray.  Understand the simple truth that God made you in His image and your duty is to reflect Him in your everyday life.

Was the devil in this shooter’s life? You bet he was. Nothing this person did reflected the image of God. As we pray for the victims and families of this tragic event, let us also share our faith with those who are outside the family of God. They too need to know there is nothing to fear with God. God is our rock, our shield and comforter…believe in Him, trust Him and reflect Him through your life today! God bless!

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