Monday, October 16, 2017

Psalm 37: 4 – 8

Delight yourself also in the Lord. Those things you enjoy in life, you do, you think about when not doing and you long for it all the time. Delighting yourself in the Lord is living life to please Him as He is always number 1 on your list of priorities. He is your joy, your devotion, your passion and by doing so, you align yourself to receive the desires of your heart.  

Commit your ways to the Lord. By making God’s business number 1 in your life, your decisions, thoughts, words and actions all reflect His wisdom and character. A person truly committed to God never compromises their beliefs nor sways in their devotion to God. As a child of God, you TRUST HIM  enough to follow His will and His instructions. Through your commitment to God, He will see you through life and your righteousness will be a light to those around you.  

Rest in the Lord. When you rest, you are at total peace. Your guard drops and you find comfort in the times of silence. Rest is important for the Child of God because He uses the quiet times to refresh, restore and renew your thinking. God’s loudest voice is a whisper…He wants NOTHING to compete with in your life, so take time to be quiet and wait patiently upon the Lord. Others around you may seem to have it together and succeed in their ways for the moment,  but God’s success is never hurried. It took Jesus 33 years to complete His mission on planet earth. For some, that’s a lifetime. Make time to rest and find wisdom in the sweet silence of life.

Cease from anger and forsake wrath. Anger does nothing good to the human body NOR those who are impacted by your anger. Learn to absorb your feelings of anger so you can hand that negative energy off to God to dispose of in His special way. God has a way of turning anger into forgiveness and unconditional love. And do not fret, it only causes harm. Worrying is your willingness to not let go and let God deal with an issue or concern. You can do nothing apart from God…so leave all the worries and concerns to Him…He is bigger than any problem you will ever face in life and He has the best solution! Trust Him in all matters.

IN GOD YOU…Delight, Commit, Trust, Rest, Wait. Do these things and your life, as a child of God, will find life more meaningful and with purpose. God bless you friend…walk ever so closely with the Lord today!

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