Sunday, October 1, 2017

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God." Revelation 2:7

Our earthly journey is much like hiking in the mountains. At first the trail is smooth and slightly inclined. As you move along the trail becomes more rocky and steep. Nothing is consistent when you reach higher elevations, as the trail goes up and down, and often the pathway narrows to a single log footbridge that you must traverse if you want to keep going. Another noticeable thing as you climb higher, you see fewer people, as some have given up and stopped or turned around. 

So it is in our walk with the Lord and the church itself. We are always under enemy attack. At times the journey is smooth and protected, but sooner than later the journey becomes more challenging and it's a struggle to take another step. Everything in your body is saying stop and turn around...or take an easier path. As you go through a tough portion, you notice no one else is around....Friend, God has allowed the path to narrow so the only thing you can cling to is His hand and no others. He walks us through the toughest times in life, as He is dependable and never leaves our side. 

One we have completed our journey, the view from Heaven will  be breathtaking and you will quickly realize all the pain, discouragement and alone times were worth it for the eternal prize of life compares to nothing else. Keep moving in faithful obedience friend....your mountaintop view awaits you!!! God bless!!!

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