Saturday, September 30, 2017

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

Years ago, Nike had a slogan "Just Do It". Their campaign encouraged people to get out there and run, exercise and enjoy life...and wear their products. It was a good idea...even today I hear people say "just do it"!  

Today, let me encourage you to "Do Right"! God gave each of us specific talents and abilities to serve Him and be a blessing to others. He provides each of His followers a specific path to follow and serve Him along the way. As opportunities arise to "do right", He leaves us the free-will to chose....are we going to be obedient or turn our back on an opportunity to do right. He loves us enough to give us the freedom to act in obedience. 

As you go through this day and all the tomorrow's, chose to Do Right. Do the right things in life. Listen for His voice to help guide you in doing right, living right and blessing others through acts of service. Trust me, He has aligned your day to follow Him....Do Right and follow in faithful obedience and be blessed. God bless friend.  

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