Thursday, September 28, 2017

And behold, there was a certain man before Him who had dropsy. But they kept silent. And He took him and healed him, and let him go. Luke 14:2 & 4. 

A while back a video surfaced on youtube. A big buck had its antlers caught up in a fence and couldn't escape. Two men carefully worked around the wild buck to free it...otherwise it would most likely have injured itself and died.  Thankfully the men's actions freed the buck and it scampered off. 

As God's followers, we can get caught up in the snares Satan puts in front of us. These relationships or circumstances seem innocent, but once they get us hooked, it's difficult to escape. Left to our own strength, we will soon become spiritually ill and hinder God's work in our life. Today's passage clearly states what Jesus can do. When we are caught in the snares of this world, Jesus comes to our rescue and untangles the barbs from our heart so we can move freely again. Strongholds are Satan's greatest weapons against the child of God. 

Something or someone in life got you tangled in an emotional bondage that seems to have no means of escape? Trust me I've been there!!! Call upon the Lord to free you of your spiritual bondage so you can walk freely in His bountiful grace. He is faithful and just and will heal you. Just remember, it may take months to untangle the mess, so NEVER give up praying. Ask a friend to pray for you. Life is no easy path, and Satan wants to keep you bound up. Trust in God and call upon Him when tangled....He will respond. God bless.

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