Monday, September 11, 2017

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.  Romans 8:28


One of my favorite things to bake is banana bread. The secret is to use very ripe bananas. Although they might look bad, the riper the banana, the better the banana bread! You know life seems to work out like that as well. The old saying…someone give you lemons, make lemon aide makes a lot of sense. Its easy to get caught up in the negative side of things, but the best way to cope is always look at the positive.


Our spiritual journey will often face challenges that test our faith. An illness, betrayal of a friend, wrongly accused…it’s an endless list of things that can be painful and frustrating….at times push you to the limits of sanity! But, God finds a way to take something so wrong and make it right in your life if you stay spiritually in tune with Him! It’s easy to get upset about something or with someone….but what if you took a different approach and said each time you were offended or hurt….”OK GOD, WHAT SWEET THING ARE YOU COOKING UP FOR ME NOW”? When you turn your anger into curiosity and your pain into anticipation, you take your mind off the negative and look towards the future with excitement, not regret!


God knows what He is doing. He allows ripe events to come into your life to help sweeten the mix and make something special out of what might seem a negative situation. Trust Him in everything and look forward to what He is cooking up for your pleasure. His recipe always turns out perfect! God bless!

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