Saturday, September 2, 2017

He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength. Isaiah 40:29

As I get older, I encounter times of tiredness and my body wants to sleep. Yet, I still have 4-6 more hours in the what I do sometimes is consume a small bottle of 5 hour energy drink. This potent liquid energizes my mind and body so I can keep going a little while longer. 

Something even more powerful is the act of prayer. When you have been beaten and tossed around by various circumstances of life, you feel zapped of energy and hope seems to wane. One prayer can empower the weakest of spirits and make all things new again. Oh but I've prayed and nothing seems to happen you say....check your level of faith in God. You ask, and yet doubt He will answer. Doubting God will yield a non response from Him. If you ask, He expects you to be ready to recieve His blessing. 

If you are weak and worn out by the storms of life, call out to God and expect Him to respond. It might not always be the way you planned, but the power and strength He provides will be enough to help get you through, yet just enough to keep you humble, realizing your strength comes from Him and not you. Call on Him for help today and expect Him to respond! He will do it!
 Keep the faith.

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