Monday, September 18, 2017

Judge not, that you be not judged. "For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. 
Matthew 7:1-2

Do you ever catch yourself looking at someone and sizing them up by their looks and actions? We, as humans, can get caught up in this cycle of judging others and use our life as a measuring tool to determine a person's self worth. It's easy to see the faults in someone, often overlooking our personal shortfalls. 

Today's verse, quoted by Jesus Christ himself, gives warning to not judge and by the measure we judge others, we too will be judged. Instead of judging others, it's better to look for opportunities to help the misguided and pray for them. God did not create everyone equal, therefore you know there are those who differ greatly from you. They may never have had the opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ. Now is the moment for you to take action and share or atleast cover them in prayer. 

Are you guilty of judging? None of us are worthy to judge another living soul. Our part, as a child of God, is to love others, help those in need and share the gospel truth to those who are walking blindly in this world. Let's replace judging and opinions with love and concern for our fellow man. Reflect the love of God to everyone and leave the judging up to Him. God bless.

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