Tuesday, September 12, 2017

If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. Proverbs 24:10

The best way to know the strength of your faith is to put it to the test. When trials come, how do you respond? Does fear, anger, or rebellion surface at the moment of conflict? If so, maybe you need to grow your spiritual muscles. 

One of the best training tools for faith strengthening is studying the bible. "A wise man is strong, Yes a man of knowledge increases strength". Proverbs 24:5. 

God's  word is the Christian's source of wisdom and provides guidance for every situation in life. The wisdom it provides will teach you to trust God, respond to conflict in a Christ like manner and give you courage to stand in front of the enemy.  But, you won't strengthen your faith if you don't read it every day. 

Wars are not won by weapons, but by the wisdom of leaders who know how to use weapons to strategically fight the enemy. Your enemy, the devil, has some good tactics, but he doesn't stand a chance when you gain wisdom and with God's help. Read His word and grow those spiritual muscles so you can respond in Christlike manner. It's a spiritual warfare, trust the good book to guide you. God bless.

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