Friday, September 1, 2017

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
1 Corinthians 13:11

There is such a nugget of wisdom in today's verse. As Christians, we are a child of God. At the beginning of our faith, we stumble and fall in our actions and words...often failing God in devotion to Him. But over time, God continues to pick us up and encourage us to continue our path forward. As a result, our steps become easier and our faith grows in Him. 

Seasoned children have the steps down, no doubt, but we need to be careful we don't walk towards danger. As a child, we learned things are "hot" and don't touch...God also warns us about things in this world that are "hot" and we should avoid them at all cost. God allows us free will to "go". Which way are you going? 

Every day we need to evaluate our walk and ensure we are not following after the world and it's "thinking". We have the freedom to choose, yet our decisions, thoughts and actions should always be based upon God's wisdom. The only way to grow wise is to read and heed His word and voice. By doing so we show our spiritual age and maturity level in our faith and devotion to Him. Are you maturing each day or resorting back to your early spiritual journey? Ask God to mature and grow you. He will allow events in your life to test your knowledge and challenge your faith. Follow Him always in complete obedience and your maturity will be revealed in your daily life. Grow in Him. 
God bless.

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