Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10

There is power in names. We all like to associate with certain name brands of clothing, restaurants, vehicles, home builders, even churches. We trust in a certain name and we rely on them for quality, dependability and oftentimes they provide us a certain"status" among our friends and family. 

What name do you like to associate? For me, it's the Lord! He has been my everything, my strong tower...never wavering..always there ready to provide me strength when I'm weak, protection from the enemy, and wisdom when facing choices in life....and those choices never go away...they keep coming. 

If you are looking for a name you can trust, trust in the Lord. He never goes bankrupt, you will never find corruption in Him, the more you devote yourself to Him, the more blessings you receive. Most of all, He is the very example of unconditional love and faithfulness. When every other name is failing people, His name is above all names, and His name is one you can cling to for eternity. Trust in the Lord today! God bless.

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