Thursday, September 7, 2017

 He who trust in his riches will fall, But the righteous will flourish like foliage. Proverbs 11:28

Greed, it takes over your life and centers your focus on pleasing self either through financial gain or personal pleasures. As greed grows, it consumes every area of your life, including your ability to reason between right and wrong. I read about a young couple in my area that were caught up in greed for money. They eventually found themselves committing criminal acts to gain more at the expense of others. 

Greed is a dangerous thing. Our enemy, Satan, knows exactly what each of us desires. Without God's help to keep our wants and desires in check, we too could possibly cross the ethical line of the law for personal gain. What are your desires? Do they line up with God's will for your life? If not, you are vulnerable to Satan's luring you  into wrongful ways to gain more. 

Ask God to keep your life in check. He  provides what's necessary. Count your blessings and pursue righteous living over worldly greed and lustful passions. God will bless you for your obedience.

I wrote a brief poem about what this couple possibly went through to get where they are today. Be cautious in your passion for more.....
How could this be, 
charged with a crime we couldn't have committed. 
How did we get here,
where did we go wrong? 
Times were tough,
if we could just get ahead. 
One way, no way,
let's try it once. 
How easy
the financial gain.  
The future looked bright,
once again satisfied until...
it consumed us. 
Forgive us,
we can't stop the rush. 
Caught without excuse,
brought to a halt. 
How did we get here,
charged with a crime we couldn't have committed.

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