Thursday, September 14, 2017

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20

Twice a year our clocks have to be changed, forward in the Spring, back in the Winter. When it comes to changing it in my vehicle I always stumble through the process, trying to remember what to do. Eventually after several frustrating attempts to get it right, I'll get out the owners manual and read how to do it. That works every time. Aferwards I ask myself....why didn't I just follow the book? 

For the child of God, walking down the straight path of righteousness in this darkened world is no easy task. All around us is enticement to sin and get us off track so our focus is on the world and not Christ. Can you relate? Most days I feel the world tugging on me, like a child pulling thier parent's hand to get them to buy something in the store. 

But there is help! We have available to us the Holy Spirit, who lives in us. Although our human body walks in this world, we have the Spirit of Christ at the core of our being. Are you focusing on Him or the world? If you are not focused on the Spirit, you are most likely veering off the path frequently. This fleshly body is prone to sin and it wants to jump at the world's opportunities to indulge in sinful pleasures. Take your eyes off the world and focus on God. 

Another tool God gives us is His word. That instruction manual that helps us in every situation of life. You no longer have to figure it out...its in the book. Study it, draw from its wisdom and grow in your faith. 

God gave us His Spirit and His book. Apart from Him you can do nothing (John 15:5) fruitful in life and miss all the blessings He has available to you if you simply remain obedient. Use His tools and draw upon their power and wisdom and you will see your daily life more Christ focused and fewer moments of struggling thru life...trying to figure it out. Walk closely with Him today. God bless.

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