Saturday, September 9, 2017

Indeed, let no one who waits on You be ashamed; Let those be ashamed who deal treacherously without cause. 
Psalm 25:3

The doctors office, an appointment at the bank, the check out line at the grocery store....what is a common occurrence?  Waiting! In today's society, the "wait" is a killer. Just one minute can seem like a lifetime. When we try to speed things up, negative things happen....tempers flare, wrongful words are said, misdirection of purpose becomes an issue....the list can go on. Patience is the only way to keep yourself in check. Something I personally struggle with on a daily basis. 

As a child of God, you have probably figured out God does not move according to your schedule. As much as we'd like Him to speed up, He has a steady stride that never changes. Steady as she goes thru the various circumstances in life. When we get overly excited, we rush ahead of Him, placing us in a vulnerable place. The further we run ahead, the less likely we are to hear His voice of wisdom...leaving us vulnerable to other voices and influences. As a result, we make poor choices and can tarnish our reputation, bring on stress and cause a lot of heartache to ourselves and the people around us. 

Want each day to be a good one? Walk in step with the Lord. Don't rush ahead of His goodness! Keep in step with Him and you will find life a little less stressful and the people around you will find you calm in the middle of the storm. Something I'm going to work on myself. Take a step in the right direction with Jesus. 
God bless.

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