Friday, September 8, 2017

Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am in trouble; My eye wastes away with grief, Yes, my soul and my body. 
Psalm 31:9

As I awake and see the news of Hurricane Irma now heading my way, many many thoughts run through my mind as to what I need to do to prepare. In addition, random thoughts of "what if" play out, consuming my mind. Then at a pause, I remember to tell God of my worries and concerns. 

How often have you faced a crises which consumed all of your thoughts? Then at the last minute when the wave of adversity darkens your world you call out to God. Start praying in advance of the storm friend. Never all your brain to go into over drive, trust in the Lord. Tell Him you are facing trouble, He hears you and desires that you include Him in your every day plans, not at the last minute when everything is crashing all around. 

I ask that everyone reading this blog, start today, pray for God's hand of protection. We know there will be great destruction, but ask God to spare those who will be engulfed in this monster hurricane. If you are in the path, ask God to give you wisdom to prepare properly and have everything ready when it hits. Praise Him in the storm. Praise is what gives your prayers more voice as it calls out to God. Stay safe my friend and trust in God with every storm of life. God bless.

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